November 2023
Highlights from the new Automotive Technology Career Day Student Event
The Orange County Auto Show was an exciting venue for a new inspiring event, Automotive Technology Career Day, last month. CNCDA Foundation worked with the Orange County Auto Dealers Association to develop an event where young people would learn about the excellent career path as a dealership auto technician. Students participated in short lessons, guided by OEM technical representatives on their newest vehicles and met local community colleges who offer automotive degree programs. The student event left a lasting impression on 600+ high school auto shop students from Orange County.
The students kicked off the event by watching a testimonial video about careers in dealerships across California. The video was an opportunity for students to hear directly from techs about what they love about their job and their recommendations of how high school students should get their start in the career. The feedback we received from both students and teachers alike emphasized that the video was eye-opening – especially to young women who love learning about vehicle maintenance and repair but did not think there was an opportunity for them to make that their career. The videos can be found on the CNCDA Foundation YouTube channel and demonstrate that the automotive industry is an inclusive space for everyone, regardless of their background or gender.
October 5th Automotive Technology Career Day at the OC Auto Show. Video of high school students getting their hands on the newest vehicles.
Our Career Day event was designed with a two-fold purpose: to inspire students and to provide them with the knowledge and tools needed to embark on a rewarding journey to an auto career. Throughout the event, we showed off cool cars, new technology and provided clear steps and resources to guide students into the industry. Event host Cesar Reyes, Service and Parts Director for Crevier BMW, shared his story and encouraged students to consider a career doing what they love at a dealership in their community.
This event marked the beginning of a four-part Automotive Technology Career Day series, where we are changing perceptions and igniting passions of students in Silicon Valley this coming February, in Los Angeles in March, and in San Diego in April.
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Connecting with the California Auto Teachers Association
The California Auto Teachers Association (CAT) is a group of dedicated and passionate auto educators from various educational institutions across California, including high schools, vocational schools, and community colleges. Member auto teachers gather twice each year for the CAT Conference hosted by a community college automotive department. The conference provides educators opportunities for professional development on new vehicle technologies and facilitates the exchange of ideas in automotive education. Your CNCDA Foundation participates in the conferences to connect with California’s automotive educators on behalf of CNCDA members. By coming together to share ideas, experiences, and resources, we aim to enhance and support auto education in California and better prepare students for success in the automotive industry.
Pictured left to right Executive Director Bob Smith from The Greater Los Angeles New Car Dealers Association and President Kim McPhaul and Program Coordinator Sonny Davey from the California New Car Dealers Association Foundation at the California Auto Teachers Conference.
Dedicated to creating career pathways for highly skilled automotive service professionals throughout California.
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